B.A. Maria do Carmo Dall’Armellina
Bacharel em Tradução e Interpretação da Língua Inglesa
My goal is explore the relationship between human languages. After 20 years with a wide range of backgrounds and teaching experience, I use to share a passion for teaching and a commitment to my students' development.
Meu objetivo é explorar a relação entre as linguagens humanas. Após mais de 20 anos e com uma vasta bagagem e experiência em ministrar aulas, costumo compartilhar minha paixão e comprometimento com o desenvolvimento de meus alunos.
It is based on the study of English and Spanish languages pre able to understand the products, practices, and perspectives of world cultures and use those insights to inform our communication as we engage with people around the globe.
Com base em estudos da língua Inglesa e Espanhola, preestabelecendo uma base de conhecimento dos produtos, práticas e perspectivas de culturas diversas onde tais fontes de informação são utilizadas em nossa comunicação interconectando pessoas ao redor do mundo.
What are your three proudest achievements?
My two daughters and my B.A.
What has been your greatest professional achievement?
A greater range of reflection tools has now being implemented with the Socratic Method improving the reflection by students in the classrooms, e.g. Learning Journals, Wondering News, etc. With structured activities, focused on a clearer understanding of the learning goals.
What is the most amusing thing that has ever happened to you?
Being mistaken for a famous TV actress Emma Roberts at Paulista Avenue in São Paulo, signing autographs.
What has been your most challenging experience?
It is a toss-up between being an Executive Assistant and being Teacher - although one role did rather prepare me for the other.
What is your favorite place in São Paulo?
It’s difficult the choice but for reflection I love to go to the Botanic Garden “ Museu Botânico Dr João Barbosa Rodrigues”, in São Paulo, Brasil with 1500 exhibits illustrating the development of the plant world, and a new orchid garden.
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